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Desc:A doctor performs a very dangerous operation on a hydatid cyst with pop radio in the background.
Category:Science & Technology, Educational
Tags:awesome, india, cysts, hydatid, brain surgery
Submitted:Mayberry Pancakes
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Comment count is 26
love - 2006-12-28

he, he popped a brain zit or something. ewww

Gurlugon - 2006-12-28

There are apparently caused by tapeworms. EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

minimalist - 2006-12-28

If I ever have a tapeworm-induced brain-egg, this is the guy I want operating on me

kiint - 2006-12-28


Gylph - 2006-12-29

I want to try surgery. I could start on a gerbil or something.

Killer Joe - 2006-12-29

Not in my brain, please.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2006-12-29

It's so neat!

SRBtP - 2006-12-31

Very rare location for echinococcus. The cyst is filled with scolices - infectious baby worms.

Repomancer - 2008-02-26

Quiet, you.

Caminante - 2007-01-14

There's nothing like seeing brain poop.

blackbetta - 2007-01-15

I'll never be able to eat tapioca again.

Xiphias - 2007-01-16


jim - 2007-01-16

that... that was unpleasant

keinsignal - 2007-01-16

magnificent, in its own way.

dead_cat - 2007-01-18


Vicious - 2007-01-30

I hope I wasn't the only one who saw the title and thought it was a Sega Saturn game.

FABIO2 - 2007-02-03

The final shot looks like a pie crust ^_^

voodoo_pork - 2007-02-20

It looks like he had a silicone breast implant. IN HIS BRAIN.

BAC - 2007-04-19

none of me wants to know that thingy was filled with worms

Billy the Poet - 2007-07-26

It makes me look forward to being dead and cremated.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2007-11-10

Itīs creepy, yet strangely satisfying when it falls out.

RandomFerret - 2008-03-08

Oh god yes. It's like your entire head is a zit that needs to be popped.

SharoKham - 2007-11-14

Hauntingly beautiful.

The singular of scolices is scolex. A band name like that could stand a chance at winning the championship from Candiria.

retrocious - 2008-01-17

I'm trying to decide if having brain worms would be worth it to wind up with a scar that awesome.

keinsignal - 2008-02-11


sparklefatty - 2008-09-16

It makes the skin on my face and neck crawl as if I'm suddenly covered with bugs.

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