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Desc:A videotex system from 1983 eerily like the commercial Internet of today
Category:Science & Technology, Classic TV Clips
Tags:80s, at&t, videotex, retrofuturism
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Comment count is 9
squadoo - 2012-03-04

Kinda reminds me of web TV. Did these things show porn back then as well?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-03-06

I don't know if this did, but the first 'net porn I ever viewed was on WebTV.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-03-04

Galt Toys has yet to go Galt. They did indeed at one time hold the Lego franchise, but I wonder about a doll from Spain.


hammsangwich - 2012-03-04

Marketing was a subtly the early 80s greatly lacked.

Xenocide - 2012-03-04

Their company was formed in Knight Rider headquarters? I'm sold!

Bhiu - 2012-03-05

Write Mail (10 cents per message)

MrBuddy - 2012-03-06

That would be close to ##CONTENT##.25 adjusted for inflation.

Eerily accurate prediction. I'm not sure if Wikipedia is better than Grolier's but with Amazon you get to see more than an ANSI drawing of what you're buying. Funny how they mention 300 years in the future when it was actually closer to 20.

KnowFuture - 2012-03-05

That doll would cost over 200 bucks if you adjusted for inflation.

charmlessman - 2012-03-05

Pfff. That's nothing like the internet.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to do some shopping.


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