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Desc:I don't know what's worse, the product's name or the fact they're ripping off E-trade's ad campaign.
Category:Advertisements, Classic TV Clips
Tags:talking baby, Real product, diaper rash
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Comment count is 7
Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2012-07-15

A product so good, the company spent five minutes filming a baby in a high chair, then "fixed" the mistakes in post.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-15

They should've just put a gob of peanut butter in his mouth like Mr. Ed and let the cameras catch the magic!

Cheese - 2012-07-15

I've used this, it's baby rash cream, it does what it should albeit not as cheaply as penny-for-a-gallon A&D butt cream, but it smells better.

gravelstudios - 2012-07-15

My dad works in a prison, and for a while he worked in the prison hospital's psychiatric ward. He said these kinds of commercials where dogs and babies talk really freaked those guys out.

dead_cat - 2012-07-16

All I know is this talking baby's "voice" is really creeping me out.

Hooker - 2012-07-15


lordyam - 2012-07-18

i work on my feet for 9 to 12 hours a day in a hot and humid environment. this shit is the bomb and it works, this, a&d, aveeno overnight face moisturizer, and of course gold bond have saved my poor thighs in the dog days of summer when you just cant stop moving until the shift is over

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