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Desc:Good conservative Christian parenting by abstinence-only advocate, Bristol Palin.
Category:Educational, Horror
Tags:Alaska, Faggot, parenting, bristol palin, god is watching
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Comment count is 36
dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-07-31

They claim he actually said "fuck it". I can believe that.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/22/tripp-palin-faggot-ga y-slur-bristol-palin-_n_1693681.html

Besides, a toddler saying "faggot" would be the least evil thing about this.

dead_cat - 2012-08-01

This person will never be ready to be a parent. Being a pregnant teen was the smallest part of her problem.

Riskbreaker - 2012-08-01

The fire.....it should rise already

Hooker - 2012-08-01

Isn't my badly raised child just adorable?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-08-01

It's like Al Franken used to say. Abstinence works, except when it doesn't.

Macho Nacho - 2012-08-01

It's obvious where he got the word faggot from.

The Mothership - 2012-08-01

toddlers are mean, selfish nasty creatures. this one, compared to these parents, however....

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2012-08-01

"Swords will fucking cut you wide open, FAGGOT."

Corpus Delectable - 2012-08-01

You see this right here? This is why I'm proud to be an American. Our motherfucking system is so motherfucking great that we have total idiots like this running around, running free, even running for office, and the country still hums along like a motherfucking charm!

You put Sarah & Bristol Palin in Russia or China for even 6 months, and they'll bring that shit down. We're doing the world a favor, because we're the only nation on Earth strong enough to do it, and we're nice people!

fedex - 2012-08-01


Riskbreaker - 2012-08-01


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-08-01

I really hope her kid grows up to be gay and then makes a tape of himself watching this clip.

hughmanatee - 2012-08-01

"still hums along like a motherfucking charm!"

hmmm... nope, not buying that.

memedumpster - 2012-08-01

You put Sarah or Bristol Palin in China, they would at least make us new iPads instead of new car lot managers.

dead_cat - 2012-08-01

Dammit, memedumpster, the world NEEDS new car lot managers! Do you have any idea how quick those bastards burn out on meth these days?

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-08-01

I don't believe in hitting your child, but for that little shit I could make an exception.

fedex - 2012-08-01

exactly, it's much easier to believe in hitting some one else's child

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2012-08-01

" I don't believe in hitting my child."
"Yeah? We'll I do, step aside."

TeenerTot - 2012-08-01

I think maybe Bristol's the one who deserves a slap.

dead_cat - 2012-08-01

It'd be more effective to hit Bristol.

Robin Kestrel - 2012-08-01

I would also hit Bristol, yes.

dr_rock - 2012-08-01

I'd hit that, yo.

Hooker - 2012-08-01

Bristol Palin's son being badly behaved isn't surprising in the least to me. People breaking out "I don't believe in hitting your child/the death penalty/fascism/etc., but..." always seems to surprise me, despite how often I see it.

I should stop thinking people's values are more than skin deep, to be cast off for all of the thinest exceptions.

Cockmaster Flash - 2012-08-01

In tomorrow's episode, baby Palin shares his opinion of Barack Obama.

Old_Zircon - 2012-08-01


hughmanatee - 2012-08-01

Barack Hussein Obama's a FAGGOT!

hughmanatee - 2012-08-01

I said "Barack Hussein Obama's a Fuck It".

glendower - 2012-08-01

In order to engage in a thought-process as stupid as homophobia, one generally needs to begin this early.

kingarthur - 2012-08-01

This is somehow not surprising.

Hugo Gorilla - 2012-08-01

White trash raising children is depressing.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-08-01

I think it's really nice of the Palin family to constantly remind us of how unfit they were to be anywhere near the White House.

TeenerTot - 2012-08-01

Alaska isn't far enough.

spikestoyiu - 2012-08-01

I'm not totally convinced that the kid is saying "faggot". I am convinced that this kid is an awful little shit barely being raised by an awful mother and that Willow Palin looks like hot garbage, especially for only being 17.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2012-08-01

That's the most delightfully obnoxious kid I've ever seen outside of an Evelyn Waugh novel.

big pincers - 2012-08-03

Man, the TMZ show is really scuzzy. (A propos of nothing)

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-09-12

Honestly, this is normal childhood behavior. He reminds me of my obnoxious little brother, who grew up, and is now a successful educator, and a terrific family man.

The guy who harasses Bristol in a bar, on the other hand, needs to have his mouth washed out with drano.

The Palins are not really about Politics anymore. Every now and then, Sarah will come out and say something nasty about Obama to keep the ball moving, but they're more interested in being the Kardashians than the Bushes.

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