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Comment count is 11
Toenails - 2012-11-16


tethercat - 2012-11-16

I ordered Death Machine from a shitty video store around the millennium. THIS came in its stead, and I opted not to return it.

The film is mindblowingly bad. It's "Tarantino would homage this" bad. I love it so much.

I hope to find this on youtube in its entirety, and post it here.

Old People - 2012-11-16

But you went and one-starred this. Have you no humanity? Do you not reason, as we do? Do you not care? Are you some sort of... Death Machine!?!

TheSupafly - 2012-11-17

One starring your own GOOD submission. That's bold baby.

tethercat - 2012-11-17

I'll five-star the full movie when I find it. You guys have no clue about the country bar scene. It's like crunching down on an ice cube, and the shards cause blood in your teeth and your hairs goes on end, but it's so good because it's hot out and the water is well received. That's the country bar scene.

baleen - 2012-11-17

This is a five star submission and you deserve to love yourself.

memedumpster - 2012-11-17

Five stars for Killdozer nailing young Donald Trump.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-17

Starring Ron Marchini, who you might remember from such great films as Omega Cop and Karate Cop.

Old People - 2012-11-17

There's about 26 minutes worth of this movie on youtube. It's solid gold, especially the tragic Dojo Student Massacre scene, and anyone who manages to find the entire film and post it here gets a sloppy blowjob from me. No homo.

BHWW - 2012-11-17

In that one moment, that guy sure is pretty casual about jumping onto a vehicle and kicking the driver in the head. Just sort of, "enh."

tethercat - 2012-11-19

Found the full film. In the hopper now.

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