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Desc:Skip to 2:30 to hear flailing meat hands hammer out the worst song of the worst jRPG.
Category:Video Games, Stunts
Tags:piano, OST, Star Ocean 3
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Comment count is 14
Dread Pirate Roberts - 2012-11-18

And that's a take! Let's do one mo... what? Oh, we've run out of money... okay. Thanks! Actually, we're good! That was a great performance!

The God of Biscuits - 2012-11-18

I had this game. It wasn't that great.

FABIO - 2012-11-18

I would have quit after less than an hour if Star Ocean 2 hadn't been one of my favorite rpgs so I kept giving it chances to get better.

It didn't. Played until the last dungeon and hated every minute.

The God of Biscuits - 2012-11-18

Yeah it didn't hold a candle to SO2

Potrod - 2012-11-19

SO2's music was good, I'm afraid to check to see if this was the same guy.

FABIO - 2012-11-18

There wasn't a single aspect to this game that resembled a professional product, from the Full Sail character models to the RPG Maker dungeons to the fan project voice acting to the jRPG/Matrix crossover fan fiction story to music like THIS.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-18

I'm so glad I gave up on RPGs after the Super Nintendo.

BHWW - 2012-11-19

The next track consists of a single piano key being hit over and over again, then segues into 'Chopsticks' as played by a five-year old on a toy piano.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-11-19

This is a real tearjerker.

robotkarateman - 2012-11-19

"worst jRPG" is such a subjective term.

FABIO - 2012-11-19

You obviously haven't played this game.

Kid Fenris - 2012-11-19

There's a Star Ocean 4, and gives the third one a run for its money.

Macho Nacho - 2012-11-20

The only reason my friend and I played this game was because of Albel Nox.

Mancakes - 2012-11-22

That wasn't really that bad until 2:30, but jeeeeeeesssusss past there.

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