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Category:Educational, Fashion
Tags:guns, neckbeard, sarcasm, raiders, more sarcasm
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Comment count is 6
Toenails - 2013-01-11

Too Dumb;Don't Bother: This guy concludes guns aren't involved in violent crimes because they don't magically float out of his safe and shoot him in the face.

But, I guess one can only hope.

Toenails - 2013-01-11

Well, you know what? I wanted to give this guy less than five stars because his one stupid bumper-sticker point "Guns don't kill people. People kill people" was two and a half goddamn minutes.

But, then I decided to watch it again to see if there was anything redeeming in it, and now I wasted *another* two and a half goddamn minutes.

Good show, bearded bag of burps, good show.

memedumpster - 2013-01-11

His argument is that authority shouldn't haul away guns, because that's not addressing the problem of how guns are involved in shootings. He argues that authority should haul away gun owners, like himself, because that's where the murder comes from, and really, I can't disagree.

spikestoyiu - 2013-01-11

Pies don't make people fat, people make people fat.

sosage - 2013-01-11

That he owns a Raiders blanket is completely unsurprising.

Old_Zircon - 2013-01-12

I wouldn't call that a neckbeard, it's pretty much a full beard but the sheer quantity of neck overwhelms the rest of it.

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