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Desc:The front gate will 'Look like Ellis Island because that's where most of us came from'
Category:Horror, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:glenn beck, architecture, theme park, independence park, ellis island
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Comment count is 15
Konversekid - 2013-01-12

The Newsfeed is amazing

"More mysterious structures found in China using google earth"

Also, him saying that the roads being paved with the dreams and hard work of Americans instead of tangible gold is a pretty fitting incite on the exploitation of the working class.

Quad9Damage - 2013-01-13

I couldn't decide whether to pay attention to the feed or the ex-morning zoo crew douche.

kamlem - 2013-01-12

I look forward to him being hunted through Punishment Park.

Hailey2006 - 2013-01-12

Will this be mandatory entertainment

TimidAres - 2013-01-12

The arches of the front gate will be adorned with the phrase:
"Joy Through Work."

Blue - 2013-01-12

For you.

sjohnson301 - 2013-01-12

He talks about having some kind of apprenticeship program there, as if kids will be clamoring for mom and pop to bring them to Independence Park on the weekends so they can learn to bake bread and become blacksmiths.

Sivak - 2013-01-12

My family has been here longer than Ellis Island.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-01-12

None of his money will go into this. It'll have more financial shenanigans than the mortgage crisis, and if it ever does break ground, it'll wind up being a curiosity for the urban exploration blogs and a handful of patsies will wind up holding the bag for the accumulated debt and bankruptcy.

Beck will assign himself some kind of salary and blame the government for sabotaging the project, assuming the residents don't do it for him with even wilder conspiracies.

CJH - 2013-01-13

gotta be better than legoland

cognitivedissonance - 2013-01-13

Why is the end goal of every conservative crackpot's rise and subsequent fall always to terminate in an amusement park? Is it that amusement parks represent to them the ultimate of capitalist success or is it the vaguely fascist desire to make a defined space of land succomb absolutely to your every ideological whim, up to and including the attempts at reeducating your "guests" to conform?

Because that's pretty much what Walt Disney was all about.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-01-13

I think it's because eventually their ideology leads them to the inescapable conclusion that the comic book hero they've always identified with is the Joker.

Stopheles - 2013-01-13

Beck is more along the lines of Arcade than the Joker.

One of these days, Moon Knight and the Thing are gonna team up and, after three pages of fighting each other, band together to kick Beck's ass.

Quad9Damage - 2013-01-13

Does he not realize he just made arguments against modern conservatism and capitalism, which ruined all of this?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2013-01-13

This man has his own radio shows, his own tv programs, his own cable network, and legions of followers who take his word as gospel.

There's not enough stars for that level of depressing evil.

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