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Desc:Alex Jones just isn't crazy enough for this totally-not-paranoid-schizophrenic gangstalking victim.
Category:News & Politics, Educational
Tags:alex jones, paranoid schizophrenia, Gangstalking, organized stalking, IAmGangStalked
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Comment count is 12
EvilHomer - 2013-03-29

stealthwavef22raptor 8 hours ago

Alex practices the hand to face stasi nazi as i call tbem -- body language of the gang stalking perp - therefore I say he is a Nazi thats working both sides

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-03-29

Preview images suggest IN YOUR FACE crazy times to be had here.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-29

There's so much sadness in these gangstalking videos. It runs like a brackish river of below the surface of every one of them, smelling of brine, loneliness, and madness.

jangbones - 2013-03-29

nah, its a fun hobby with a entire social aspect

Pillager - 2013-03-29

Someone needs to found a Narcissists Anonymous.

memedumpster - 2013-03-29

No one would sign up if it was anonymous.

baleen - 2013-03-29


Dynamicuno - 2013-03-29

When a delusional narcissist tells you you need help...I think it's time to make the call.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-03-29

This guy just needs to accept that Alex's "Dementia Dance Card" is full. In the same way that some people never accepted GUI interfaces and color displays because they were so set in their ways, Mr. Jones already has reptiloids, UFOs, and the Illuminati taking up space where the next generation of streetcorner mutterers has gangstalking. Not to mention the old Alex Jones model of crazy isn't designed to integrate every concept of paranoia uploaded to YouTube like today's modern asylum candidate.

sasazuka - 2013-03-29

This is the same psychotic Australian guy that did the "I will murder you SATANS" a couple of months ago on his old onemanbanned99 Youtube channel (now deleted). Some guy (no connection to me) mirrored that particular video.


Since then, he was arrested at the end of January and is being forced to take psychiatric meds for six months.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-03-29

I wonder if anti-psychotics would be taken more often by those needing them if they were given out in patch form... on tin foil... maybe folded into a hat shape.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-03-29

One comment just taunted me with the possible hint that one of these people might be having an epiphany...

"All of the targeted individuals, including myself, have been microwaved with directed energy weapons to the point of developing schizophrenia."

Well, that's a start. Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards--

"Alex Jones is correct, but he must understand that people are not losing their sanity from natural causes."

Alex Jones is WHAT? So close to possibly getting help, and yet they're lost...

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