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Desc:'documentary' says gays are worse than cigarettes. Don't smoke em.
Category:Religious, Trailers
Tags:cigarettes, Gays, LOL XTIANS, how to lie with statistics
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Comment count is 17
The Mothership - 2013-05-08

Does that kid say 'You! Smoke a bowl!' at 1:14? Oh wait, it's 'You a smokaphobe!'

I learned from this that homophobic Christian production companies hire child actors who can't fucking enunciate.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-05-08

Needs the "child abuse" tag

Spaceman Africa - 2013-05-08

Also if I had a dollar for every time right wing Christians used Ann Heche as an example that you can stop living the "gay lifestyle" I'd have a lot of money.

Rosebeekee - 2013-05-08

You mean Celestia, the alien half sister of Jesus Christ.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2013-05-08

I believe they're called "fags"

Killer Joe - 2013-05-08


chumbucket - 2013-05-08

One of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Stars.

ashtar. - 2013-05-08

If you love and care about homosexuals, you don't want them to get tied to a fence and beaten to death, which, statistically, is a consequence of being a homosexual.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-08

This makes more upset than a lot of these things because they got so many children involved.

Innocent Bystander - 2013-05-08

These guys need a better boom mike.

Cena_mark - 2013-05-08

They need a mic that isn't attached to their shitty camera.

Blue - 2013-05-08

Marrying a man that thinks that homosexuality is a choice is a really good way to contract an STD too.

kingarthur - 2013-05-08

Ah, I knew the American Family Association would be involved somehow.

SolRo - 2013-05-08

Did you know that if we gouge out the eyes of every Christian in America, it would eliminate our dependence on foreign oil and dramticaly reduce traffic!

kingarthur - 2013-05-08

Well then let's get started! (Puts on latex gloves)

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2013-05-08

Doesn't the Bible say something about not becoming a rotund gluttonous pig?

Gmork - 2013-05-08

the bible says a lot of things you can ignore

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