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Desc:pjtv thinks you don't worship soldiers enough, bonus islam note
Category:Accidents & Explosions, News & Politics
Tags:douchebags, derp, pajamasmedia, allen west, gay people are coming to eat us!
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Comment count is 12
kingarthur - 2013-05-22

I really can't stand these glorify the soldier types, more so when they've never been one. This guy has, but he's particularly arrogant.

TeenerTot - 2013-05-22

He's right. We should send all NBA players to Iran.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-05-22

Stars because I keep reading your header as "Confederate Soldiers"

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-22

Why is there no Allen West tag? This guy is a nutjob. I'm glad he lost his seat in congress.

Riskbreaker - 2013-05-23


endlesschris - 2013-05-22

Both of these men are role-models. Heroes? Hardly.

PegLegPete - 2013-05-22

You'd basically have to write an essay to deconstruct this horrible, bigoted and condescending video. Five stars.

Bort - 2013-05-22

Army dude doesn't have to worry about getting his teeth punched out in the parking lot of a bar. By that standard, any out-of-the-closet gay man is more heroic.

Or, you know, both men deserve credit for doing their particular things.

Hooker - 2013-05-22

Is Jason Collins revealing that he's gay brave? No. And that's why every gay professional athlete is open about their sexuality. Ever. Jason Collins is the only homosexual professional athlete to have existed.

Hooker - 2013-05-22

Running an obsticle course is brave.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-05-22

The answer is yes. Yes, they are.

Blue - 2013-05-23

We can either have sexual freedom or the military, but not both.

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