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Desc:Don't forget the Airplane Spin (this time for real, not a wrestling move). Also, 'Oh my god' x 10.
Category:Accidents & Explosions, News & Politics
Tags:accident, plane crash, boeing 777, asiana, airplane crash
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Comment count is 17
SolRo - 2013-07-08

Now that the useless in-joke is out of the way, here's a report on it

http://abcnews.go.com/US/san-francisco-plane-crash-pilot-43-ho urs-flying/story?id=19598352#.UdrL753n9ph

spikestoyiu - 2013-07-08

This thing reeks of a #falseflag

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-08

I'll be curious to see how the asylum inmates spin it, since people survived the crash. I mean, they're supposed to kill everyone or crash into something important, aren't they?

spikestoyiu - 2013-07-08

That's what they want you to think. This way, it's more believable that it's an accident. Wake up, sheeple.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-08

I expect the highlight will be the person supposedly run over and killed by a baggage cart or some other vehicle. WHAT DID THEY KNOW?! ALEX JONES WILL TELL US!

chumbucket - 2013-07-08

people who shouldn't have mics

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-08

Why are you guys being such dicks. The guy just saw a fucking air crash. I would be screaming shit at the top of my lungs.

Aelric - 2013-07-09

Yeah, it's not like that is the time for an airline peanuts joke. I love how folks thing being a cynic on that internet makes it cool to be a sociopath in the real world.

Boxhead - 2013-07-08

One of the people talking is having the proper response to this.

TSR - 2013-07-08

He really wasn't happy with his first read of that line.

jangbones - 2013-07-08

this was directed by Stanley Kubrick

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-07-08

Just shut up and film, you're not impressing anyone with your outbursts.

SRP - 2013-07-08

double air-plane.

oh my god.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-08

Yeah, this.

La Loco - 2013-07-08

Why is no one addressing the white glowing orb that envelops the plane before the crash!? Clearly the work of Illuminati/Reptoids.

RockBolt - 2013-07-08

Classic Souix City roll


Robin Kestrel - 2013-07-09

"Oh, you're filming it, too! Oh no!"

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