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Comment count is 6
13.5 - 2013-07-09

CPD: quality fascism since 1886

candyheadrobot - 2013-07-09

Robocop wouldn't stand for this, and he's the ultimate fascist till a quarter into the film.

kamlem - 2013-07-09

This was mentioned near the end of an amazing Salon article, "“Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control "


memedumpster - 2013-07-09

Thank you for the link!

That should just about kill whatever hope I had yesterday!

Binro the Heretic - 2013-07-09

Well, that was a soul-crushing, blood-boiling read.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-09

And the memory of their oppression will warm their hearts always.

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