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Category:Military, Stunts
Tags:scott walker, security, Protests, Wisconsin, protection of interests
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Comment count is 5
Monkey Napoleon - 2013-07-13

What an idiotic non-controversy.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-13

Yeah, there's no reason to worry about mercs being used around mines. At least they aren't using the actual army this time:


Monkey Napoleon - 2013-07-13

You realize that saying hiring private security to protect your mine because some protesters vandalized your property is like the Battle of Blair Mountain is the same as calling a sitting President Hitler, right?

Do you realize that absolutely nothing separates these guys and cops, or even rent-a-cops?

You don't find it telling at all that the man recording him is permitted to be closer to the weapon than he is and that he isn't doing anything to try to stop him other than ask politely in most non-threatening way possible? He's mall security out in the boonies with a weapon any non-felon civilian can possess, and he doesn't even bother to assume any kind authoritative posture? The recorder is lucky this kid's NOT a cop. The way things have been going these days, we'd be talking about how a cop shot or tazed some guy in front of his kid for doing nothng.

StanleyPain - 2013-07-13

Oh look, the gross police-abuse apologist is also a Scott Walker apologist....

what a surprise

memedumpster - 2013-07-13

Thrust Rockpeck of Slackwater is protecting the free market!

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