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Comment count is 11
STABFACE - 2013-08-07

Five for the fact that Jordan Schlansky is a linked tag.

fatatty - 2013-08-07

This is what happens when someone with Aspergers decides to focus on wine and whole foods instead of anime and pocky. He's still a weirdo who can't look you in the eye but at least he's in good shape.

SolRo - 2013-08-07

I could tolerate camiante talking about magical girl anime longer than this.

But still not as bad as bronies.

NineEleven - 2013-08-07

Please please please turn that ceiling camera into a live webcam, I love this robot posing as an Italian American

kingofthenothing - 2013-08-07

One of these days, Conan is going to wind up in this guy's apartment, listening to Huey Lewis and the News, wondering why this guy has newspaper lying all around.

Bhiu - 2013-08-07

I didn't realize there were so many Jordan clips. He's the best.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-07

He's such a weird weird person. I'm somehow glad he exists though.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-07

There have been periods of my life when, like, 75% of the people I knew were at least this weird.

FABIO - 2013-08-08

He's not that far off from your average foodie.

frau_eva - 2013-08-08

The most surprising part about this video is that Conan says these cufflinks are "from his wedding."

Listen, I appreciate a nice chest as much as the next gal, but that can only do so much.

memedumpster - 2013-08-08

That was great.

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