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Desc:Something big's blocking Big Bertha (true) and Youtube conspiracy theory guy knows what it is!
Category:News & Politics, Science & Technology
Tags:seattle, tunnel, conspiracy theory, big bertha, Im not saying its aliens but its aliens!
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Comment count is 12
Redford - 2013-12-30

My favorite one is he thinks it's a giant invincible demon just chilling out in front of the machine, making sure it doesn't move.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-12-30

Looking at his upload history, any kind of demon is par for the course. He seems to use "demon" and "alien" interchangeably. He's also made some amazingly humorous "predictions" that he does mental gymnastics to prove were right.

He refers to Google's barge in San Francisco as a device to create "digital sorceries" or to create a "holographic alien" or something. He's got quite the screw loose.

Old_Zircon - 2014-01-01

Digital sorceries sounds about right to me.

Cube - 2013-12-30

I hope it's candy! For all of us!

EvilHomer - 2013-12-30

I hope it's Big Bertha, from the future. Covered in claw marks and hellish alien glyphs.

That, or an ancient Sumerian mecha suit, awaiting the 14 year old girl destined to pilot it against the dreaded Krth Space-Armada.

sasazuka - 2013-12-31

Anytime any tunnel boring machine is blocked by something mysterious, I always think of the REAL GHOSTBUSTERS episode "Knock, Knock":


"Do not open until Doomsday!"

memedumpster - 2013-12-31

I hope it isn't a magma pocket.

EvilHomer - 2013-12-31

I hate those things, but as long as the repair crew remember to store their ores and diamond pickaxes in a chest before they go down to check, they should be OK.

That guy - 2013-12-31

Ok I don't have time for this bullshit, but the guy's first card at 1:45 is good enough for 5.

sasazuka - 2014-01-04

Mystery object revealed! http://goo.gl/RdByYJ

Spoiler: it's an 8-inch diameter pipe. And not even an interesting historical pipe either, it's a pipe directly related to the dig

"According to The Seattle Times, officials identified the pipe more specifically as being 115-foot-long “well casing” that was used to measure ground water in 2002 in studies for the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement project."

EvilHomer - 2014-01-04


infowars dot com

pyslexic dharmacist - 2014-01-05

Madagascar?? Dear God, that's right near Seattle!!

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