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Desc:I've fallen down a youtube hole of extremely weird physical therapies.
Category:Educational, Business
Tags:therapy, new age, myofascial unwinding, uncomfortable background noises
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Comment count is 9
baleen - 2014-07-18

Here's some science:


urbanelf - 2014-07-18

This paper is better than the video.

The "methods" section basically says that the model proposed was derived from some Google searches.

baleen - 2014-07-18

I know!
Even so, there are fucking tons of these videos of this shit happening.

urbanelf - 2014-07-18

http://quackfiles.blogspot.com/2005/12/please-release-me-let-me-go -mfr.html

baleen - 2014-07-18

I'm sure there's no scientific basis for this stuff but it doesn't mean it doesn't actually make people feel better or in less pain, for whatever reason. Chiropractics is a TOTAL sham but insurance companies often pay for it because it makes people feel better. The anecdotal evidence you post (the original link to that blog post is dead) is about as convincing as this:

http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/2008/04/myofascia l-rele.html

See outrage in the comments.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-07-18

I would just like to point out there is such a thing as medical massage. Not everyone who practices massage is a quack.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-07-18

I really like genuine osteopathic manipulation and techniques. I'm a believer in it. However, this stuff is pretty silly, as it's just glorified stretching and relaxation, really. Sure, it'll work a little, but it's not nearly equivalent to having a trained professional perform myofascial release or counter strain techniques on you.

baleen - 2014-07-18

This is simply a technique for (allegedly) simulating the effect given by a practitioner. I read a little about it, and it is apparently an acquired skill.

chumbucket - 2014-07-18

"innate wisdom"

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