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Desc:The worst British TV show I've ever seen. Fourteen straight minutes of 'please, no more'.
Category:Horror, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:England, aggro, Julia Jekyll, Harriet Hyde, exploding doors
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Comment count is 9
Bort - 2014-07-20

I have to say, Julia Jekyll (Olivia Hallinan) grew up pretty damn fine in real life. No trace whatsoever of muttonchops.

infinite zest - 2014-07-21

holy fuck she's gorgeous!

Bort - 2014-07-21

Thought you might like this, some shots of various famous British people at a V Festival:

http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/71328676.html?thread=1256 3914404

Olivia's in there, and so are a couple "Doctor Who" assistants. In case you're wondering whether they look good in real life or is that just a trick of tons of makeup and perfect lighting.

infinite zest - 2014-07-21

Cold shower time!

StanleyPain - 2014-07-20

This is bad, but if you think THIS is bad, you should watch The Wright Way. It came out last year, was cancelled, and is the most recent thing Ben Elton was involved in.

It is mindblowingly awful on levels that few television series approach. It is amazing it was written by the same guy who co-wrote Young Ones, Blackadder, and Mr. Bean.

infinite zest - 2014-07-21

Sans laugh track, I kind of like it!

cognitivedissonance - 2014-07-21

It's no "Heil Honey I'm Home".

BHWW - 2014-07-21

I'd like to show this sort of thing to the sort of "Anglophile" whose rough equivalents would be "weaboos" and act like every UK sitcom is a delivery device for sophisticated humor, sorry "humour". I figure a dose of this with a chaser of something like "My Hero" or "Babes in the Wood" would disabuse them of that notion.

duck&cover - 2023-09-17

https://archive.org/details/jjahh/JJAHH+-+S01E01+-+Julia's+Elixir. mp4

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