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Desc:Almost certainly shitfaced.
Category:Pets & Animals, News & Politics
Tags:Drunk, republicans, alcoholism, Sarah Palin, the lone cry of a burbling jackass
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Comment count is 17
TeenerTot - 2014-07-26

Wow. That description wasn't kidding.

Prickly Pete - 2014-07-26

Oh, for sure! Well if anything this just gives her points in my book! I wanna party with Palin!

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-26

I'm sure she can get all the best drugs.

longwinded - 2014-07-26

now can we stop paying attention to her

Riskbreaker - 2014-07-26

Everyone already did that, i bet even people at these conventions are like "Sarah who?"

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-26

Maybe Todd was too late with his warning about inhaling?

Pillager - 2014-07-26

I concur. I'm thinking BC Bud or Northern Lights.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-07-26

"The most influential woman in the history of the Republican party."

Well, I guess that's TECHNICALLY true. She sure does influence people.

Cena_mark - 2014-07-26

Being the most influential woman in the history of the Republican Party is like being the most influential black, Latino, or homosexual in the Republican Party. You've only earned that title from being the only one in the club.

SolRo - 2014-07-26

Also first influential woman in the republican party...the rest are subtle variations of stepford wives. (different shades of blonde)

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-26

Yo Baleen, are you sure this isn't just a tasteless drag act?

baleen - 2014-07-26

The first queen to do a good Palin would make a fortune in the club circuit.

cognitivedissonance - 2014-07-26

I do not understand how these people actively enjoy being treated like children by all of their politicians. The oozing disdain for their own constituency just boggles the mind.

memedumpster - 2014-07-26

Sarah in Denver, the last dinosaur
She's my friend and a whole lot more
Sarah in Denver, the last dinosaur
Shows me a world I never saw before

Everywhere we go we don't really care
If people stop and stare at our pal dino.
Creating history thru the rock n' roll spotlight
We've got a friend who helps us, we can do alright

That's Sarah in Denver, the last dinosaur
She's my friend and a whole lot more
Sarah in Denver, the last dinosaur
Shows me a world I never saw before

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-26

Ignorance has always been,
something I excel in.
Followed by naivete and pride.
Fossilized photos of my life then,
illustrate what an easy prey I must have been

Standing in the sun,
idiot savant.
Something like a monument.

I'm a dinosaur and somebody is digging my bones.

Hooker - 2014-07-27

Oh, God. I am not listening to 36 minutes of this woman. Can someone give me some timecode highlights?

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-27

I doubt any of the rest of us have, either. I skipped around, but couldn't take more than 30 seconds at a time. That voice.

She's really starting to look like Geddy Lee these days.

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