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Desc:Now I'm not trying to sound racist, nor am I being racist. I'm simply, pointing out a fact...
Category:Religious, Educational
Tags:Race, Christian, miscegenation, John Weaver, Kinism
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Comment count is 12
Killer Joe - 2014-10-08

The injuns were here, but they weren't HERE-here.

ashtar. - 2014-10-08

The separate divine creation of the races was fundamental to Hitler's worldview. This is fun to point out when people start talking about how evolution=Hitler.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-10-08

You stole my comment, but I'm glad. I also love this argument. It's so loathsome and ignorant, I love it.

SolRo - 2014-10-08

elevating your race above others seems to be a common and necessary step before genocide is possible.

for me it's honestly the biggest deciding factor about which side is "right" in ambiguous conflicts...is one ranting about being a superior race with divine rights? Yeah, that's the side willingly committing war crimes, without a doubt.

takewithfood - 2014-10-08

It's adorable when white people think they're completely white, whatever that even means.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-10-08


Sanest Man Alive - 2014-10-08

Look at that face; it's like a pastor's wife painted an egg with bread mold.

Sorry, was I supposed to listen to his drivel? I was just imagining peeling the shell off his head instead.

kingarthur - 2014-10-09

We stopped feeding these fuckers to lions for what reason?

Kieran27 - 2014-10-09

Cause the people they used to be thrown to the lions moved up to become the ones able to throw others into the pit.

EvilHomer - 2014-10-09

Camus was right.

memedumpster - 2014-10-09


I grew up with this. This is what my family believes. Sometimes, this includes each race coming from other planets.


hammsangwich - 2014-10-09

Yeah, except the "founding fathers" were deists at best. Jefferson and Franklin where definitely not christians. That is probably why Texas is trying to erase them from the history books.

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