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Comment count is 7
yogarfield - 2014-11-27






spread this message to five people or else you might die or have sex problems shout out to lindsey shouts to smokey j and if you dont spread this you might have problems with a turkey or something lol idk but really send it around or somethin bad will happen i love you all

5 or else

Pope Caius - 2014-11-27


infinite zest - 2014-11-27

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Bort - 2014-11-27

On-Cor Gravy and Sliced Turkey?

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2014-11-27


Rafiki - 2014-11-27

AT LAST! This is my fetish.

Old People - 2014-11-27

One of the related videos I'm getting at the end features a big old Ayn Rand head (one of the ones where an artist has done their level best to make her look less like a frightened, hateful crone) and the words "Money is the barometer of a society's virtue". I had no idea she said things that were so nakedly horrible. 4 stars for funny video, +1 for reminding me that the internet is laden with toxic sideshows that lure the unwary.

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