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Desc:Anti-NWO filmmaker murdered his wife & daughter before killing himself therefore 'conspiracy'.
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:, murder, suicide, conspiracy, tinfoil
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Comment count is 12
sasazuka - 2015-01-24

News article about the murder-suicide from TwinCities.com/PIONEER PRESS reporter Nick Ferraro: http://goo.gl/zp43vQ

The guy on this video claims that David Crowley had just received million to continue making the film, but the serious news site that I just linked to says he was having serious financial issues: the project was bleeding him dry and he was selling off his film-making equipment. Of course, if you're going to believe the conspiracy theory, you're just going to automatically assume any information contained within a mainstream news story is fake or wrong unless it supports the conspiracy theory.

Here's the concept trailer for GRAY STATE, which I tried submitting only to find out it had been submitted before: http://youtu.be/Gy7FVXERKFE

Here's the voting page.


StanleyPain - 2015-01-24

I submitted the original trailer. Holy shit..it's THAT guy?

infinite zest - 2015-01-24

It is kinda weird, from the one I read it was a little bit of both: he was upset that people were bailing on the project, but remained optimistic. Hell, my cousin's movie had a somewhat similar plot and it bombed, and he's doing just fine. I don't know too much about the movie or Crowley but it doesn't really seem that Tinfoil Hat, no more than Orwell; seems like there's a lot of movies, like Olympus Has Fallen or that new hacker movie nobody saw, that give a pretty good plan of action for overthrowing the whitehouse or the world, or whatever the latter was about.. and I don't see the writers or directors getting silenced or mysteriously disappearing.

But you never know. There was this woman in my neighborhood who became a Rajneeshee and was told that in a different life she was a queen and her daughters were princesses, and she shot them dead after school and then herself, her husband coming home after work to find them. Seemed completely normal.

fedex - 2015-01-24

wow, someone had princess issues

infinite zest - 2015-01-26

Yeah. It's actually a pretty fascinating story. Here's a little story about it that doesn't get into details, but notice the address: 7734. Upside down on a calculator that spells "HELL." It was sort of my neighborhood's haunted house, but I knew the girls vaguely from school. Strange but sad.

http://koin.com/2013/05/06/the-ongoing-mystery-of-portlands-he ll-house/

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-01-24

Gotta love how conspiracy wankers' deaths are always murders.

I bet someone, somewhere will claim it was the same individual from the same cabal that "murdered" Brietbart.

sasazuka - 2015-01-24

The first thing the guy says in the video is that this death compares to that of Andrew Breitbart. Of course, he says "murder", but I don't think either one was a murder, unless you call David Crowley murdering himself a murder.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-01-24

Ah, but you see, they wanted it to LOOK like he killed himself. That's part of how the conspiracy works! It was all staged! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!


kingarthur - 2015-01-25

Didn't Breitbart fall over onto a curb and die from a concussion? I mean, like literally tripped and fell?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-01-25

The coroner said he died of a cardiomgaly (enlarged heart). While no drugs were found in his system, a suspected cocaine habit was what many (who didn't blame his death on an Illuminati plot) believed to be the cause of his heart condition. A friend of his claimed he'd suffered a heart attack a few months before he died.

SolRo - 2015-01-24

As a paranoid schizophrenic, he had many enemies.

fedex - 2015-01-24


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