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Comment count is 8
spikestoyiu - 2015-02-27

Patiently waiting for the first "Christians did it first!".

glasseye - 2015-02-27


EvilHomer - 2015-02-27

BREAKING NEWS! Muslims do a thing that they've been doing since the days of the Arabic Conquests! Details at ten.

What's the name of the ISIS Theme Song, by the way? I really like their music, and would love to download some tracks if they are available.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2015-02-27

You should see what they did to the gift shop.

Void 71 - 2015-02-27

I like how ISIS uses the Great Satan's technology to take selfies while they kill their own people and desecrate their own soil.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2015-02-27

There's a decent chance that those guys in the video aren't Iraqis anyway.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-27

For once I'm glad that the British removed so many antiquities from these countries.
God this is tragic. The Assyrian Empire lasted for thousands of years. How long do you think your shitty occupation will last you redneck assholes.

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-02-27

If it makes you feel better, most of this stuff is going to end up in private collections. Much is made of IS fanaticism but greed and pragmatism usual win the day. These guys have a history of funding their army this way so the propaganda is a convienent excuse and cover.

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