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Desc:'patients and personnel are transforming into something inhuman.'
Category:Horror, Trailers
Tags:canada, Lovecraft, The Void, Steve Kostanski, Jeremy Gillespie
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Comment count is 5
The Mothership - 2015-04-06

Good trailer. Scary.

Gmork - 2015-04-06

I should write a screenplay. I've got all sorts of fucked-up scenarios just waiting to be strung together nonsensically.

BHWW - 2015-04-06

The fellows behind this film, Kostanski and Gillespie have worked on a variety of projects, including their work with the Canadian collective Astron-6, which has included working on films like the horror-comedy FATHER'S DAY, the low-budget sci-fi parody MANBORG and the W is for Wish segment of the second ABCs of Death.

This film now, they are apparently committed to producing a more serious entry in horror, and from what I've seen of just the teaser this could be my kind of horror jam. Other people seem to think so too, there's already fanart popping up on the net:

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1138854486142163.107 3741831.667987119895571&type=3

pyslexic dharmacist - 2015-04-06

There is a hell...and apparently it's triangular...

garcet71283 - 2015-04-06

I would see it just to encourage more Thing-esque practical gross-out effects in horror films.

Also, doesn't appear to be laden with jump scares, which is a plus for me.

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