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Desc:Latino man trolls Illegal Immigration rally in Arizona to the tune of 'This I Swear'By The Skyliners
Category:News & Politics, Stunts
Tags:Mexicans, Arizona, sherriff joe, wrong side of history
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Comment count is 28
The Mothership - 2015-05-23

hoisted by their own petard is a tag, I think.

Kid Fenris - 2015-05-23

The cameraman's voice reminds me of a cartoon character, but I can't quite place it.

Needtodestroy - 2015-05-23

logged in seconds after you to say this.

infinite zest - 2015-05-23

He sounds like Joe from Family Guy, or Brock from Venture Brothers. Or Patrick Waterburton from Seinfeld. I can never remember that guy's name.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-05-24

There's a hint of Hank Hill in there.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-05-23

The life of the protest!

Accidie - 2015-05-23

This is how you reason with these people.

That guy - 2015-05-23

I'm going to beg to differ that there's a right to illegally immigrate, but this is absolutely world-class trolling.

1394 - 2015-05-23

That dude is delightful.

SolRo - 2015-05-24

I'd buy that man a cervesa

theSnake - 2015-05-24

Why doesnt this man simply immigrate to South America or Haiti since all races are equal

theSnake - 2015-05-24

Or is it emigrate? Darn my inferior public schooling

ashtar. - 2015-05-24

Bless your heart for still being a lazy boring troll after all these years, theSnake

Binro the Heretic - 2015-05-24


Are you talking about the dancing guy or the guy doing the filming?

wtf japan - 2015-05-24

"I can degrade myself, make a public fool of myself."

You certainly can!

Siebenstein - 2015-05-24

"Hey Pablo"
"How do you feel being related to this guy"

Old_Zircon - 2015-05-24

"I think you were on the dark side before this"

Chancho - 2015-05-24

What, no sombrero? Still gets five stars.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-05-24

Stars for their impotent rage.

He is a mighty unmoving rock against which the waves of their hatred dash themselves to pieces.

love - 2015-05-24

this is what a real american looks like.

Cena_mark - 2015-05-24

I love how pissed off the Tio Taco gets.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-05-24


yogarfield - 2015-05-24

This made my day.

magnesium - 2015-05-24

Good, but it's better when these people protests get visited by Native Americans.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-05-24

Because waving a Mexican flag around in America is going to bring people to your side. No offense, but this isn't helping anything or bringing anyone to your cause, dude.

ashtar. - 2015-05-24

no habla ingles

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-05-24

Porque ondeando su bandera va a traer la gente de su lado? Sin ofender, pero...no ayuda cualquier y no esta trayendo alguien a su motivo, tipo.

I've tried to learn Spanish as fluently as possible over the last year. So I'm saying this with respect to Mexican culture. It's idiotic to raise the Mexican flag up in America. It's actually pretty offensive, because if you put up an American flag in Mexico I'm pretty sure the reaction would be just as much of a "fuck you". Fuck this guy. He's an asshole.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-05-24

Also, I guess I'm on the wrong side of history because I don't think we should be opening up immigration levels when so many Americans already here are in poverty. We should narrow it and quadruple the number of people patrolling the US-Mexico border.

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