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Desc:Action start at about 1:15
Category:Science & Technology, Horror
Tags:The Thing, chemistry, chemical reaction, Mercury thiocyanate
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 14
Accidie - 2015-06-10


That guy - 2015-06-10


It's like a live fractal.

gravelstudios - 2015-06-10

Once I lit an entire box of snakes (those cheap little 'fireworks' things) all at once and it looked a lot like this.

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-10


Sanest Man Alive - 2015-06-10


yogarfield - 2015-06-10

and then at just the right moment... ATTACK

Ugh - 2015-06-10


Sudan no1 - 2015-06-10

his big brother is going to be pissed when he sees what he did to his lizard tank

fluffy - 2015-06-10

Coulda sworn this was here before but stars anyway.

Billy the Poet - 2015-06-10

Am I wrong in thinking that burning something that has mercury and cyanide in it is bad?

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-06-10

Right as rain, Billy. But that's what makes chemistry so ...evil.

To be fair though, he's doing it in a fume hood.

fedex - 2015-06-10

needs a "Pets of the Elder Gods" tag

bopeton - 2015-06-10

What's up with the sound effect?

Hooker - 2015-06-10

Well, I should have a pretty interesting nightmare sometime this week. Thanks, Purps.

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