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Desc:Submitted for final few minutes: attempts to play GTA V on PC with obscure 1996 pinball controller.
Category:Video Games, Science & Technology
Tags:pinball, videogames, grand theft auto v, Lazy Game Reviews
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Comment count is 6
EvilHomer - 2015-06-14

I'd just like to thank whomever's been posting sporadic LGR videos these last few months. I am really enjoying his channel so far, which is odd, given that with the possible exception of Scott Manley, I don't really enjoy "gamer" channels very much. His Duke Nukem inspired radio voice is quite soothing, his reviews are packed with fascinating information, and best of all, he's not a douchebag! He seems like an alright guy, the rare sort of friendly, non-judgmental nerd you could hang out with. He has really good taste in games, like Crusader Kings II, and Cities Skylines. He's cool like Arino. He could probably do ASMR videos.

The one complaint I have about LGR is that he says "also" way too damn much. Also, he needs a script editor, because it drags you out of the video every few minutes, and also, it's annoying.

infinite zest - 2015-06-14

You might also like this guy. It's not really worth submitting but someone played TF2 entirely with voicebot


infinite zest - 2015-06-14

I know everyone hates CD-I, but Philips was always just years ahead of its time with these things: obviously CD gaming replaced cartridges, and pinball's had a weird resurgence like the post-Tommy boom: there's actually a non-profit Pinball Outreach organization that provides a Boys and Girls Club environment for teens, but with Pinball instead of traditional sports.

But, in 1996 Pinball was on its way out: good machines were still being produced, but it was when you started to see stuff like No Good Gophers which was ostensibly aimed at sports bars and Circuis Voltaire, which was just a pain in the ass to maintain so nobody wanted it. By next year came last gasps like 3D pinball like the awful Revenge From Mars and that was pretty much that. Stern's subsequent shitting out pins with a new toy from a movie on top don't count, even if some of them are pretty good like LoTR.

This looks like a really cool device, it's just the game that's being played is kinda fucky physically. Now Farsight has more-or-less perfected virtual pinball complete with real licensed tables (all the favorites from Medieval Madness to Gorgar to Pinbot are on there) but there's not a relatively cheap controller that's basically full size that I know of to play 'em on. I wish someone would go back in time and tell Philips to hold off on some of their things for a while and concentrate on -head screwdrivers.

infinite zest - 2015-06-14

Somebody did make a pretty cool looking one that would ostensibly work with all current pins in Farsight's lineup though:


The Mothership - 2015-06-14

This thing reminds me of the water-inflatable asses that you can buy at sex shops.

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-15

There's something about this guy's schtick that really frosts my cookies.

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