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Desc:Submitted for butchery of the English language, not for content.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Educational
Tags:conspiracy, frederator, homage, you keep using that word, i dont think it means what you think it means
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Comment count is 7
EvilHomer - 2015-07-03


EvilHomer - 2015-07-03

Also, 3:19. The answer Genndy gave was ambiguous. It was a two part question; was Genndy saying "No" to both parts, or "No" only to the second? We cannot know for sure.

In fact, what Genndy ACTUALLY says, is not "No", but "Noooo". A drawn out "noooo" could very well be an interjection meaning, not "I am answering in the negativet", but rather, "I am shocked and upset"! Such a response would actually make sense, if Genndy meant to keep the Powerpuff/Jack connection a secret. So, could it be "Noooo" in the Darth Vader sense? Here again, we have no way of knowing.

infinite zest - 2015-07-04

I always figured they were connected the way Simpsons and Futurama were, or I guess still are. Bender finds a Bart Simpson toy in a landfill on Mars or something and vice versa but Homer went to New York and did 9/11, which makes no sense because of the power outage in 2003 etc. etc.

infinite zest - 2015-07-04

she is kinda cute tho but I'm spoken for :)

infinite zest - 2015-07-04

Or I shouldn't say that, I've never met pink haired conspiracy girl and I already forgot her name. I'll never lose my virginity at this rate!

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-07-03

Sloppy seconds.

ashtar. - 2015-07-04

Surprisingly enraging!

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