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Desc:The theme song to the Gizmondo's biggest hit! So it sold like thirty copies I guess.
Category:Video Games, Arts
Tags:Rap, Balls, gizmondo, also his balls are the subject of a video game
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Comment count is 4
bopeton - 2015-08-20

Probably overthinking it, but phrasing this song as a series of couplets with all that white-space between is really grating on my sense of musical symmetry.

Five stars for making me say some shit like that.

cognitivedissonance - 2015-08-20

I know a guy who labored for three years on Gizmondo's answer to Pokemon. Now not only is it unplayed, but unplayable due to the source code being under legal sequester.

infinite zest - 2015-08-21

I read it as Gizmodo, that's how little I remember about this thing. But watching the related videos, they really were sort of ahead of the competition in a lot of ways, like that cool augmented reality game. Ten years later and iPhones with their cameras are just starting to do that, but it's not so much a game as it is just some avatar that pops up.

But then again, I also said that Philips CDi was 5 years ahead of its time; you really know how to pick the winners, IZ.. it's weird that a Pokemon-esque game would be under legal scrutiny. I mean, there's plenty of games and shows out there that include the "-mon" in the title, like that's some sort of coincidence..

fluffy - 2015-08-20

I just have to assume that the makers of this game knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

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