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Desc:NHL All-star accused of rape. Local PD is apparently corrupt as fucking fuck....? Nope...?
Category:Sports, Crime
Tags:hockey, rape, Corruption, Law Enfarcement
Submitted:That guy
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Comment count is 23
That guy - 2015-09-25

This case is crazy right now.
...as are the comments all over the internet.

Most hockey fans are positive that the player has been framed, and that her lawyer stole or manufactured a rape kit evidence bag.... they think that's more likely than someone from the player's hometown police dept. stealing the (discarded) bag and leaving it to fuck with the accuser. (for clarity's sake: it's just the container bag that was put at the accuser's mom's house, not the rape kit itself)

If I had to bet, I'd bet that someone from the PD stole the discarded bag and planted it at the mom's house as a 'fuck you', but it also calls into question whether the evidence was messed with, and the validity of the testing, which is great for the defense and stinks for the case against.

That guy - 2015-09-25

......aaaand the accuser's lawyer just quit the case.
Holy Fuck.

That guy - 2015-09-25

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/lawyer-for-patrick-ka ne-accuser-withdraws-from-case-on-ethical-grounds-012036621.html

oddeye - 2015-09-25

We should be policed by Lawful Neutral robots....

but then who would police them???

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-09-25

Helm, obviously.

EvilHomer - 2015-09-25

Helm watches over humanoid police officers. Robot police, being constructs, would probably be watched over by either Primus, God of the Modrons, or the Hub of Elders, which oversees the Inevitable factories at Neumannus.

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-09-25

Why is there a wet fart noise whenever I load this page?

EvilHomer - 2015-09-25

Hey, it's not my fault you're an idiot.

EvilHomer - 2015-09-25

... sorry, CapnS. That was petty of me.

What I should have said is, try not loading the page?

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-09-25

Seriously is anyone else having this bug? It keeps getting longer and longer. I wish someone would reply to this thread and let me know.

That guy - 2015-09-25

How long are the wet farts now?

Like middlebrow or more lowbrow?

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-09-25

I really wish I could say for sure.

That guy - 2015-09-26

Is it anything like this:
sorry =(

EvilHomer - 2015-09-25

Well I know that I, for one, will soon have strong feelings about this case, based upon zero time in court and no evidence at all.

EvilHomer - 2015-09-25

I have decided that this man is... Not Guilty! Bailiff, please remove Mr Kane from Social Media Court, and bring in the next celebrity defendant.

That guy - 2015-09-25


chumbucket - 2015-09-28

**dramatic music fill-in**

infinite zest - 2015-09-25

I always thought "Rape Kit" sounded kind of weird, like a childrens' toy. Ask parents' permission before ordering..

Nominal - 2015-09-25

You wait 6-8 weeks for the result and they never end up looking how they did in the catalog.

infinite zest - 2015-09-25

THANK YOU! Yeah all I can think of is the Air Car Kit from the back of the Boys Life Magazine.

Jack Dalton - 2015-09-25

The lawyer actually withdrew from representation. The accuser may legitimately be a victim, but the mother possibly fabricated the bag out of some I'll-conceived attempt to support her daughter. Patrick Kane's DNA was found on the accuser regardless, but it's hard to prove a rape case, and there are plenty of Blackhawks fans who are feeding on this story. In fact, any woman who confronts a high-profile rapist has to endure an insane amount of awfulness.

oddeye - 2015-09-25

I can't get over women being told it's ok because the rapist was a sports star OR being harassed because now the team will lose without their all-star rapist.

Some people truly are scum.

15th - 2015-09-26

Go Wings.

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