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Comment count is 7
The Mothership - 2015-10-03

I'd eat less, but hey, having sex burns a lot of calories if you know what I mean!

yogarfield - 2015-10-04


ghost stars for coming up with a better description.

yogarfield - 2015-10-04

the challenge of the day: link one of those unlinked tags. honestly aghast that "please dont be real" didn't already exist.

theSnake - 2015-10-04

Pizza owns

Chocolate Jesus - 2015-10-05

the udog diet

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-05

A true alpha.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-05

He's got like six bitches, and they'll do anything he wants.

They're all plastic, but who cares? Dude's living like a king.

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