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Desc:A self-loathing, drunkard, hipster-ish anime reviewer should be ok for PoETV, right?
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Educational
Tags:Tatami Galaxy, anme that doesnt suck
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Comment count is 8
Meerkat - 2015-12-03


No, it's anime.

jangbones - 2015-12-03


SolRo - 2015-12-03

you two are precious.

Spit Spingola - 2015-12-04

Sorta wish this was just a link to Tatami Galaxy. Needs a Masaaki Yuasa tag.

infinite zest - 2015-12-04

Funimation has them up on YT; I watched the first episode and it's pretty good, but the Micro Machines voiceovers are definitely distracting. Even if I was fluent in Japanese or if there was an English dub I don't think I could keep up with what he's talking about. I think that's kind of the point, like when you just skim through a book really quick, which is what every college student does. Very pretty animation though.

BTW, people should vote up Cat Soup which for some reason is still in the hopper. I didn't submit it or anything but I hadn't thought about it for years and it's still one of the most beautiful examples and best use of "anime that doesn't suck" tag that I've ever seen.

Spit Spingola - 2015-12-05

Cat Soup's one of my favorites. Funny because that's also Masaaki Yuasa's animation. All of his stuff would be getting Criterion releases if there was justice in the world.

EvilHomer - 2015-12-04

This looks a bit long to watch, so I'll just ask the important question: How's the fan service in this anime? The pink-haired character, what kind of clothes does she wear, and do her clothes get damaged during the fights?

Meerkat - 2015-12-04

More importantly, what is the ratio of "WHAAAAAAAAAA" to "YEAAAAAAAAA"?!

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