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Desc:A Ted Cruz 'hearing' on the climate change 'hoax' gave us this wonderful gift.
Category:Crime, News & Politics
Tags:Climate Change, ted cruz, william happer, fake science
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Comment count is 15
baleen - 2015-12-09

The story as it is:

http://grist.org/article/undercover-investigation-reveals-prom inent-academics-taking-money-from-fossil-fuel-industry/

That guy - 2015-12-10

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/09/science/greenpeace-subterfuge-te sts-climate-research.html

However, apparently Happer hasn't actually 'taken a dime', though he was content to allow the faux-companies to fund his organization.

baleen - 2015-12-10

I would say being paid 0 an hour for climate science debunking ammo, which he directs to establishing a think tank geared toward climate science "skepticism," is less than honorable. The link you posted doesn't address the accusation that Happer was paid k for an hour of his time at the hearing.

The organization is the shell corporation. That's his money, for all intents and purposes.

yogarfield - 2015-12-10


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-12-10

Jesus, tinyurl that shit.


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-12-10


That guy - 2015-12-10

Yeah I will tinyurl like a big boy from now on.

baleen, I was just trying to clarify what his point-of-view is. He might be a skunk of a slightly different stripe.
But, yes, now I see the K from Peabody, and who knows how money into his org benefits him. He can probably throw an org event/party for all of his cronies without it being called his capital gains.

infinite zest - 2015-12-10

Why you son of a bitch! I have half the mind to take you out back and give you A Princeton Wollop

Xenocide - 2015-12-11

Sir, you locked my office and I wanted to get my Harvard mug!

Old_Zircon - 2015-12-10

"The kind of people who have goatees" tag maybe?

The sad thing is that by making him lose his temper, they won.

Old_Zircon - 2015-12-10

Wait, I got my assholes mixed up, I guess the asshole from Princeton is a climate change denier and the asshole with the goatee is calling him out for being an industry pawn. So it's a happy thing that he lost.

Meerkat - 2015-12-10

He looks like a Batman villain.

grimcity - 2015-12-11

This. It's all about the combination of crouch and snivel.

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-12-10

Dr. Strangelove was a cautionary tale, not a role model!

Raggamuffin - 2015-12-10

*Says it to his face*

"You wanna say that to his face?"

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