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Comment count is 14
The New Meat - 2015-12-22

That kid is right. Women ARE scared of gremlins!

DriverStabby - 2015-12-22

That's something a Chinamaster would say.

That guy - 2015-12-23

Don't say Chinamaster, that's like 2 in 1.

What are you, on the spectrum??

spikestoyiu - 2015-12-23

I mean, the girls in this video were more scared than the boys.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-12-24

New life ambition: Make "chinamaster" a linked tag.

That guy - 2015-12-23

God bless that sexist/honest kid!

Most of those lady-types are scared of bugs that carry neither disease nor venom, and ghosts, and my B.O.

If that ain't too scared of everything, I dunno what is.

infinite zest - 2015-12-23

Since when did Monsters Inc and World War Z come out at the same time?

TheInternetisFullofGenitals - 2015-12-23

I'm guessing they meant Monsters University?

TheInternetisFullofGenitals - 2015-12-23

"My dad is weak."

Goddamn, kid. Savage.

Accidie - 2015-12-23

If I really was entertained by shit like this I would have kids.
I don't think this is really belongs here.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-12-23

Oh, what? No mention of the Zuni Fetish Doll? Just because "Trilogy of Terror" was a made-for-TV movie?

Fuck you. ToT still counts as a movie and ZFD is still one of the scariest monsters of all time. You show that to those kids and watch their little eyes get big as saucers.

Other scary movie monsters these dipshits overlooked:

- The werewolf from "An American Werewolf in London"

- Man-faced dog from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"

- The polymorph from "John Carpenter's: The Thing"

- The tooth faeries from the Deltoro version of "Don't be afraid of the Dark"

- The gill man from "The Creature from the Black Lagoon"

- Sammael from "Hellboy"

- Whatever the fuck that was in "Deep Rising"

- The yeti from the crate in "Creepshow"

- Just about anything from "The Mist"

- The graboids from "Tremors"

- The Gmork from "The Neverending Story"

- The Skeksis from "The Dark Crystal"

infinite zest - 2015-12-23

The Yeti from Creep Show? He scared me about as much as the Yeti from Star Wars when I was a kid. Iconic but not scary. But the rest I agree with. I'd also add "just about anything from Slither."

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-12-24

Freddy Krueger, Chucky, Jason, Scream Guy....there's just so many ways to traumatize children.

infinite zest - 2015-12-24

Actually the fish people from Creepshow would be on my list tho.. no matter how many times I see that movie the jumpscares when they're spooking Leslie Nielsen always get to me.

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