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Desc:You can't even deport convicted criminals if they have a cat! https://tinyurl.com/za32dkh
Category:News & Politics, Pets & Animals
Tags:Old People, UK, eu, CATegory, Brexit
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Comment count is 21
bawbag - 2016-06-25

UK officially gives up the right to take the piss out of America until at least November.

Gmork - 2016-06-25

They can have our piss.

jangbones - 2016-06-25

Yeah, considering that Scotland is almost definitely leaving now, good luck with that.

bawbag - 2016-06-25

As a Scot myself I'm conflicted on it. On one hand I think Independence is right for Scotland more so now than ever, on the other hand I feel terrible for the stay voters in England, Wales and NI.

wtf japan - 2016-06-25

I think it's crueler to be kind in this situation. Remainers are just going to be stuck treading water politically as long as so many of their countrymen are unable to see the value of immigration and being in the EU. Scotland leaving is a British nationalist's worst nightmare, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves. That should shut them up long enough for sensible people to begin trying to fix things.

Maggot Brain - 2016-06-25

Northern Ireland and Scotland should split off and form a new country. That way they get to keep the Union Jack as their flag as a last f'you to the English.

memedumpster - 2016-06-25


The accent is in the word!

Cena_mark - 2016-06-26

Maybe NI can finally join Ireland. This could be the end of the UK. Anarchy in UK!

jangbones - 2016-06-26

Scotland holds a referendum and decides to stay in the UK.

Shortly thereafter they decide they must leave because they think England is now a sinking ship and their economy will be much better off without the millstone hanging around their necks.

And the English currently have no room at all to criticize anyone voting to leave a larger economic body, even if they think it is not in their best interest.


Nikon - 2016-06-25

Congratulations to all our friends overseas. Cameron resigning is just the cherry on top. Happy UK Independence Day! Rule Britannia!


bawbag - 2016-06-25

Even the leave voters are barely celebrating this man, honestly do you get how ridiculous, petty and damaging this move was?

It was purely to settle an in-party Tory dick-swinging contest. Even the two 'figureheads' Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage looked beaten down by the result and refused to be interviewed afterwards. That speaks volumes, also Cameron's resignation has now made the PM position the biggest poisoned chalice in UK history, it's absolutely genius on his part as a parting shot.

You celebrate it all you like, when you find that the only company you have in that party is the European Far Right, you will hopefully reconsider your praise.

Nikon - 2016-06-25

It means British companies will be able to trade and do business with the world without the EU interfering with the process.

It means ordinary people will no longer have to live with the EU arbitrarily making decisions for them and collecting taxes from them. It means British citizens will have an easier time buying foreign goods to boot.

It means ordinary Britons will have government officials that can be voted out of office after their term is up instead of dealing with appointed for life EU geeks.

It means the UK will be able to set up their own rules concerning immigration, which will allow them to ensure a good quality of life for their citizens and continue to provide services for them.

There's going to be a period of adjustment. As Americans, we went through the same thing when we separated from England and formed our own country. England will endure and be stronger for it, and their culture and way of life will last because of it. youtube.com/watch?v=MKRHWT6xdEU

Void 71 - 2016-06-25

The anti-globalization movement transcends political boundaries. It's just that the most effective opposition to it is currently coming from the right, which is why the Berninator fizzled out while der Trumpenfuehrer is still on fire. At the moment, right-wing populism has more momentum behind it than the left-wing equivalent, but that will likely change with time, as the political winds do their usual shifting.

bopeton - 2016-06-26

I have trouble believing that 52% of British voters are "far-right"

bawbag - 2016-06-26

>>It means British companies will be able to trade and do business with the world without the EU interfering with the process.

Nope, given that the main trade in the UK is incoming and from the EU, the EU will still be the main trading partners, only now Britain will have no bargaining position in the matter and will have tariffs on their goods in/out.

>>It means ordinary people will no longer have to live with the EU arbitrarily making decisions for them and collecting taxes from them. It means British citizens will have an easier time buying foreign goods to boot.

Again, wrong. As for the abitrary decisions part, the house of Lords still does that, the Royals can still do that and the house of commons. That aside, the EU rules will still be largely in effect due to the legal wrangling required to exit those treaties and/or continue to trade within the single-market, so now we'll have to abide by the rules AND have zero say in how those rules are made or applied.

>>It means ordinary Britons will have government officials that can be voted out of office after their term is up instead of dealing with appointed for life EU geeks.

I've lived in the UK most of my life, I think this is a staggeringly naive view of how the EU works. Look up the House of Lords, and how they are appointed. The House of commons is also chock-full of professional bureaucrats behind the scenes, jobs for life that no one in the public voted for, so there's no difference other than that the EU was open about that.

>>It means the UK will be able to set up their own rules concerning immigration, which will allow them to ensure a good quality of life for their citizens and continue to provide services for them.

Nope, if the UK wants to continue to trade in the EU, (which it will need to, in order to scrape by) it will now have to sign up to Schengen and that still requires freedom of movement for EU migrant labour. Also the 'immigration promise' was already backpedalled on by the Leave campaign within hours of the result.

Even the Daily Mail of all people reported it: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3659802/Tory-Brexiteer-Dan -Hannan-insists-quitting-EU-does-NOT-mean-dramatic-cuts-number-imm igrants-coming-Britain.html

>>There's going to be a period of adjustment.

Yep, there will be. The UK will now be a nation with barely any industry (has been since the 80s), the financial industry that has propped up our faltering economy is now going to be moving many of their services abroad as operating within a tariff-bound UK will not make financial sense for them. Top that with Gibraltar now running into problems sovereignty-wise with Spain, Northern Ireland and Scotland agitating to leave the UK entirely and it's just an ill-conceived mess.

bawbag - 2016-06-26

>>I have trouble believing that 52% of British voters are "far-right"

I don't think anyone here is claiming they are?

Spaceman Africa - 2016-06-26

I didn't know both sides after the referendum could be so fucking melodramatic.

bawbag - 2016-06-26


StanleyPain - 2016-06-25

I still can't quite get over how so much mungwit fucktards think that the relatively minor bureaucratic problems with being in the EU was somehow basically equal to "OMG POOR, POOR UK WHO HAS HAD IT SO HARD, WE MUST BE FREEDOMS" Haha....what a joke. This reminds me a lot of how Californians were such retarded babies that rather than pay *slightly* higher vehicle taxes to help deal with their massive pollution problems, they literally forced their governor to quit then elected a fucking ACTOR to take over who then proceeded to shit all over the state for years and put it in some of the worst economic condition it's ever been in, not to mention ecologically.

I seriously hope that sane, rational Brits find some way to make things better, but you have some fucking truly retarded countrymen. Like, on a scale that is EMBARRASSING.

Maggot Brain - 2016-06-26

I wish the queen would come out and say "No. We won't be doing that" before sending her arms on Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.

bawbag - 2016-06-26

She won't sadly. The Royals haven't denied Royal Assent since the 1700s.

More likely is a general election being called, during which the very polarised public will get a chance to decide if article 50 goes into effect for real, or if we backtrack it.

Either way, this Tory party slapfight has done incalculable damage to the sweetheart deal we had within the EU and we've ruined any bargaining position we might have once had all so the boomers can wreck some more of the state -and tell us it's for our own good- before they die.

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