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Desc:Raccord has some pretty good essays. This is one.
Category:Classic Movies, Educational
Tags:big lebowski, Coen Brothers, Fargo, Raccord
Submitted:That guy
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Comment count is 8
Born in the RSR - 2016-07-08

I had never seen either until yesterday.

They were pretty good.

That guy - 2016-07-08

oh no way

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-07-08

It was nice to see those clips, but the stuff the guy was saying was quite harmless (aside from a few little anecdotes about the making of them)

That guy - 2016-07-08

Well, I might be a fanboy of the Coens, so anything about them sounds great to me.

That guy - 2016-07-08

The Raccord channel on Vimeo has some other video essays on directors: PT Anderson, Fincher, Kubrick. It'll never be trenchant enough for Mr. Purple Cat Esq. but the rest of you may enjoy some of the other video essays.

(I dis-recommend any of the original short films)

Old_Zircon - 2016-07-09

Am I the only one who thinks Fargo, while entertaining, was a big step back for the Cohens after Barton Fink (which is probably their peak in my book, as much as I enjoy The Big Lebowski)?

That guy - 2016-07-09

I think their peak is probably A Serious Man.

F3AR - 2016-07-30

this is shit, don't ever do anything like this ever again

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