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Comment count is 5
memedumpster - 2016-07-19

99% of selling a book is a memorable title.

http://www.latimes.com/books/la-et-jc-cosmo-setepenra-books-20 160718-snap-story.html

EvilHomer - 2016-07-19

I hate to say it, but this time, the crazy Truthers were right. The Summer of Chaos is in full bloom, and I really hope my PoE friends won't get sucked into the madness.

I know I've half-joked about this before, but I'll put it out there again: if any of you guys wind up in the New England area and need a place to hide from the death squads, let me know. I'd be happy to help.

jfcaron_ca - 2016-07-19

I just registered my address with the Canadians Residing Abroad system of the Canadian government. It's mostly used when like a civil war breaks out so they can get the citizens out.

I live in Texas, unfortunately too far to escape to the border under my own power, but I can probably make it to Mexico...

Bort - 2016-07-19

I don't think we're anywhere near "civil unrest" conditions, but yeah, if anyone needs to Flee to the Cleve for whatever reason, I'm sure Frau Bort and I could arrange something. Though I imagine the issue is less likely to be politics and more likely to be, say, shitty relatives.

Bort - 2016-07-20

... well maybe not this week. Probably best to wait until the Apocalypse leaves town.

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