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Desc:BLM with shades of Sov. Citizenry nearly always leads to shotgun violence and police gunfire
Category:Stunts, Crime
Tags:standoff, ill advised, Black Lives Matter, Korryne Gaines, suicide by cop
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Comment count is 5
memedumpster - 2016-08-20

By submitting these, orcs, you're just making poe more racist by associating hating black people with hating you.

I guess there should be an award for that, really.

William Burns - 2016-08-20

It's called the Single Orange Star award.

bawbag - 2016-08-20

faaaaaart fuck off orcs

SolRo - 2016-08-20


StanleyPain - 2016-08-20

For unfamiliar with this story (orcs nonsense not withstanding), basically this woman was in the habit of recording her interactions with local police because they are basically racist shits. After she recorded this traffic stop video, a SWAT team was sent to her apartment to arrest her for some minor charge (you know, because SWAT is generally the division that arrests people for things like unpaid traffic tickets and "resisting arrest" hours, even DAYS after the supposed resisting).
She armed herself and told the police to get out of her house.
As usual....the bodycams mysteriously "didn't work" and there are clumsily conflicting stories between the officers about what happened, but they basically ignored police procedure in a stand-off situation, and simply fired randomly into the house killing Gaines and injuring her 5 year old child who was near her (on her lap as a "hostage" according to the police narrative).
During the standoff she uploaded videos of the SWAT team inside her house while she pointed her gun at them (they should have been outside) and then uploaded the traffic video you see here. As fast as possible, the PD got her facebook account and the videos taken down, though most of them were mirrored already.
She is apparently the 9th black female to have been gunned down in that part of Baltimore this year.

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