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Desc:According to the Facebook page, this is still in production as of early 2016.
Category:Religious, Trailers
Tags:boobs, Russ Meyer, sexploitation, Erica Gavin
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Comment count is 6
jangbones - 2016-08-18

this trailer also doubles as the music video for Heart of the Sunrise

(looks like Erica's collaborator has been busy, I bet this film is on the back burner indefinitely)

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-18

That's what I assumed but it looks like they've been shooting off and on the whole time, the Facebook page has posts from last October and this February about shoots.

Probably a labor of love thing.

jangbones - 2016-08-19

Barbara Koppel once described documentary filmmaking as constant fundraising occasionally interrupted by shooting and editing

it can get very pricey and time consuming, for little and rare reward

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-19

Probably not as true with today's technology, the budgets I've seen for some good, relatively successful recent documentaries seem to be in the k-k range.

baleen - 2016-08-19

I want to see a movie made about Tarantella Serpentine. I was FB friends with her for a short while, before she passed away. She said that in her memoir there was a story of how she was gangraped as a teenager and she learned martial arts so that she could track down the men who raped her and kill them, which she claims to have actually done. I want it to be true so badly. The killing part I mean, not the rape.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-19

Are you sure you doin't mean Tura Satana? I'm finding entries for Tarentella Serpentine, but they don't seem to correspond to an actual person.

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