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Desc:Car chase through a pre-French language code Montreal in a 1976 Italian-Canadian co-production.
Category:Classic Movies, Nature & Places
Tags:canada, montreal, 1976, car chase
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Comment count is 5
SolRo - 2016-09-11

Not so much a chase as a little dance with cars...multiple instances of the chasing car letting the running car get away for no apparent reason.

Cena_mark - 2016-09-11

There was some incredible stunt driving, but some of it looks too choreographed for it to be the greatest.

Lef - 2016-09-11

1- Those magnificent eyebrows!
2 - Odo from DS9 is trying to escape
3 - Montreal has changed a lot since 1976, but I can make out a lot of it, and the chase scene is impossible, it doesn't follow the geography of the city..
4 - The music kicking in at about 3:00, and 'Tit-Jean almost getting hit at 3:40 is great.
5 - Stars.

Old_Zircon - 2016-09-12

But does it have a horse slide?

Robin Kestrel - 2016-09-12

It has John Saxon.

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