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Comment count is 4
betamaxed - 2017-01-27

I lived in Fresno... twice.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-01-27

It has the distinction of being the only place I've ever been attacked by a pack of tiny, vicious dogs. The pack leader was a mangy Chihuahua-Pomeranian. You'd think it was some kind of joke, but if you know Fresno, then you probably understand...

Stars for Fresno.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2017-01-27

I was just reflecting on my time in the Central Valley and remembered this story:

http://ktla.com/2014/10/01/intru ders-use-golf-club-to-kill-nearly-1000-foster-farms-chicken-near-f resno/

Not QUITE Fresno, but as far as I'm concerned, it still counts...

BHWW - 2017-01-28

I remember the ads for this which were omnipresent for a period of time on CBS, ending with the announcer intoning in that "faux-serious for comedic effect" way "FRESNO - raisins are the reason!"

Because you see, besides the prime-time soaps that were popular the ones that only lasted a short while tended to focus around family dynasties in a particular area - like ranching or politics.

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