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Desc:NSFW. A clip has been posted before, but now you can do the full routine!
Category:Horror, Stunts
Tags:Zombies, horror, exercise, workout, linnea quigley
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Comment count is 10
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-27

What a great workout! I feel totally jacked!

Louddetective - 2017-06-27

Excellent. I was turned on to this by Perturbator's great cover of one of the tracks from the video: https://perturbator.bandcamp.com/track/08-linnea-quigley-horror-wo rkout

The Mothership - 2017-06-28

Attack of the Masturbating Zombies!

StanleyPain - 2017-06-28

A friend of mine was actually her roommate for awhile in LA while he struggled to break into Hollywood writing in the late 80s to mid 90s, they're still friends so I occasionally see crossposts and chatter between them on social media. She seems pretty cool and very good humored.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-28

She was the one who spent most of Return of the Livng Dead nude, except that she was wearing some kind of flesh-colored g string that made her look like she had nothing down there,: no hair, no vagina, just smooth like a doll. That must have confused the hell out of some kids.

I just found some recent video of her. She's so age-appropriate and still so fuckable! THAT is my favorite thing!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-28

(Not because she's hot. Because she's funny.)

garcet71283 - 2017-06-28

John Holmes Creepy Motherfucker.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2017-06-28

I'm just trying to affirm that there are extremely sexy 59 year old women in the world. Every now and then, it needs to be said.

garcet71283 - 2017-06-28

Director of Photography: Mike Seaman

baleen - 2017-06-29

I once tried masturbating to this in the 90's.
Ah, old war stories, eh guys?

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