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Desc:Goofy Indonesian ad for ice cream orbiting the web. My Indo sucks but I'll translate in the comments
Category:Advertisements, Classic TV Clips
Tags:ice cream, advertisement, indonesia, legendary stories, lucu banget
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Comment count is 7
urbanelf - 2017-07-21

This is parodying classic, cheesy Indonesian TV programs. It probably doesn't really need translation...

Brother: Don't run, coward!

Sister: You dare call your big sister a coward!

Brother: Only a coward would steal her own brother's food!

Mom: Stop! Your quarrel is just wasting time, my children! What are you fighting for? There is enjoyment to be had that no gold can buy. Come on! Come with your mother! Hahahahahaha!

Brother: No!

Sister: Ahhhhhhh!

Mom: Oh, my husband!

Phone: du du dat du du dut dat du du du du dat

Dad: Hello?

Mom: Hurry, hubby! I need your help!

Dad: I'm coming now.

Dad: Enough! Stop! Ugh! Hyah! Hiah! Ah! Hyah!


Brother and Sister: Waaaaaahhhh!

Golden Refrigerator: Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

Mom: Ahhh? Indo Ice Cream?

Sister: Indo Eskrim!

Brother: Indo Eskrim.

Dad: Indo Eskrim Nusantaraaaaa! Hahahahaha! (Archepelago Indo Ice Cream)

Chubby Guard: Indo Eskrim Nusantara.

Skinny Guard: Yeah... yeah... yeah yeah... yeah...

Dad: Indo Eskrim Nusantara... Made from... coconut... jackfruit... and avoooocaaaddoooooo!!! For that spectacular "es-teler" flavor!

Mom: Mmmmm... hahahahahah!

Brother: Mmmmm... mung bean is delicious!

Sister: I like ***** (I'm not sure what she said)

Dad: Go on! Eat up! Hahahahahahahaha!

Chubby Guard: Ieeeghghhhhhhwwwhhgh... so delicious!

Announcer: Indoeskrim Nusantaraaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

urbanelf - 2017-07-21

Oh, I missed the part at about 0:24 when the chubby guard uses the walkie-talkie. I caught the word 'ratu' - queen - but my ears can't keep up with the rest.

The Mothership - 2017-07-21

This transcript is almost better than the ad itself, bravo.

Old_Zircon - 2017-07-21

Indonesian pop culture is the best pop culture.

Maggot Brain - 2017-07-21

"es Crem"

Space Odin - 2017-07-22

This is glorious, even in distilled parody form.

betamaxed - 2017-07-24

Who are these gods and how can I pray to them to send the golden fridge full of Indo Es Cream to my house?

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