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Desc:This guy denies gravity exists. Seriously. Does not understand how depth gauges work either.
Category:Science & Technology, Educational
Tags:conspiracy, flat earth, bad science, Flattards
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Comment count is 8
Robin Kestrel - 2017-08-24

He's not going to take 20 minutes to say "it's all LEVEL", is he? Oh, he is.

Well, at least North Korea can't reach us, being all the way over there on the other side of the map. That's good, I guess.

exy - 2017-08-24

Omniscient Gravity

SolRo - 2017-08-24

'based only on this CGI image I found, we all know submarines usually coast just a few feet off the ocean floor.'

5 minutes later..

'submarines travel 30 feet below the surface.'

-1 for inconstant in-universe narrative.

sasazuka - 2017-08-24

Is he aware that submarines from the past half century or so have, like, computers on board to make small adjustments to keep perfectly level? And submarines before that had depth gauges based on pressure, and it's usually pretty easy to tell if you're getting too close to the surface based solely on ambient light, at least in the daytime.

betabox - 2017-08-24

And a few sentences, he says it's 20 feet. Of "debth" according to the graphic.

I'm perfectly willing to admit that I know very little about how submarines work, but I won't use my lack of knowledge to pretend it proves anything.

sasazuka - 2017-08-24

I'm astonished nobody's used "Flattards" as a tag here until now.

SolRo - 2017-08-24

it shouldn't be surprising, considering that most of our videos have utter garbage useless tags.

hammsangwich - 2017-08-25

Fuckin 9 News in Denver gave about 5 minutes of air time to two Juggalo lookin dumb fucks that were flat earthers. Why do they always look like Juggalos?

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