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Comment count is 6
tesla_weapon - 2017-10-07

How can I comment about this without giving away spoilers? What an adventure!

That guy - 2017-10-07

You can tl;dr this for me, if you please.

No one should ever bitch about spoilers of the video in the comment section.

tesla_weapon - 2017-10-09

Just starts out as your typical uber nerd complaining about google demonitisation and how evil could a bot really be? I mean google's bots aren't evil? Then out of nowhere he transitions into one of his family is dead/dying and it puts everything into perspective in a way he never thinks he would have thought of before, and it is fascinating to watch on so many levels because he's just not a normal human being. There is no way as a writer could you write his lines, or as an actor act this character, and this scene is a little long for a vignette, but even that in itself is something you could never create...

decoy - 2017-10-07

What a sad little sloth. He looks like he's drowning in that shirt.

cognitivedissonance - 2017-10-07

Oh, Dapper Boy. I still love you, with your soft features, quiet voice and inoffensive demeanor.

Chicken the Did - 2017-10-08

I just liked him because he reminds me of the Frank Rizzo character from Jerky Boys.

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