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Desc:Really cool lighting effect in a long-forgotten melodrama.
Category:Arts, Classic Movies
Tags:Sh! The Octopus, lighting effects
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Comment count is 15
betamaxed - 2017-11-20

Damn I want to know how they did that transition with the makeup back in ‘43

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-11-20

1st comment on youtube

Light change! Blue make up. Invisible in blue light. Change to Red or Normal Light, make up appears as if by magic on Black & white Film. They did the same effect in Jeckel and Hide for the transformation.

boner - 2017-11-20

That's very cool. I wonder if you can do similar effects in color with polarized light. (You can definitely get weird effects with a polarizer filter on a camera combined with LCD screens )

That guy - 2017-11-20

I can confirm that for multiple films/tv in black and white, it's colored light change (e.g. from red to green) with colored makeup.
I believe its' used on the Twilight Zone episode where one character is revealed to be a devil/the devil.

B. Weed - 2017-11-20

For the TZ episode in question, the light filters are used on the first change to his face (making him look more sinister); the next ones are done by him passing between pillars, with the film cuts at each pillar revealing a new stage of makeup (horns, beard, long nose). This latter transformation trick was used in the 1935 film Werewolf of London.

That guy - 2017-11-21


Caminante Nocturno - 2017-11-20

Clip contains spoilers.

Marlon Brawndo - 2017-11-20

Starring Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble as Saunterblugget Hampterfruppinshire

jangbones - 2017-11-20

she looks nothing like an octopus

That guy - 2017-11-20

She's THE octopus, you philistine!

tethercat - 2017-11-20

Jimothy thought about that moment, then, and for years down the road. Whenever he was idle in traffic, or gazing at a bird out a window. The final time his thoughts wandered that way happened as his grandson graduated university up there on stage. Jimothy learned then that inside all of them was the octopus, and there was never an alternative.

Louddetective - 2017-11-20

This is reasonably excellent

cognitivedissonance - 2017-11-20

It’s a forgotten classic, but the problem is it’s only 56 minutes long, so it never made the leap to television, where it could find an audience. The villain is a literal octopus who can shape shift.

Maggot Brain - 2017-11-20

Shit! The Octopus!

Chicken the Did - 2017-11-21

Shit! The Shining flashbacks. D:

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