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Desc:Terry shares constructive criticism on c++ print syntax and deconstructs switch statements
Category:Religious, Science & Technology
Tags:batshit, TempleOS, Terry Davis, Holy C, the smartest programmer who ever lived
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Comment count is 11
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-03-04

He seems quite chipper in this video... I really dont like the addition of the face-cam.

I wonder if this guy is actually any good? I dont know enough about writing compilers and OSes and languages to know. *Usually* people like this, as well as being impossible to work with, are not actually very good anyway.

Chicken the Did - 2018-03-04

"Impossible to work with."

Dude assaulted his elderly parents, bathed nude in a public duck pond and spends his time currently mumbling 30% more racial slurs and smoking in his van.

StanleyPain - 2018-03-04

There was something mildly entertaining about this guys craziness, but yeah...now that it's well established he's a fucking trainwreck and an awful racist piece of shit (surprised he hasn't been clocked on the street) his charm has worn off somewhat.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2018-03-04

His level of competence should be self-evident.
If he were actually any good, he'd be a famous eccentric like Mel Gibson instead of a racist loser like dairyqueenlatifah.

StanleyPain - 2018-03-05

To be fair, his behavior is the kind "this is the edgiest shit I can comprehend in my own mind that isn't actually edgy at all" sort of thing that the DQLs of the world grasp on to like a wire mother.

Chicken the Did - 2018-03-11


There is a video where he almost does get his white ass kicked but as his original channel was taken down the video is only mirrored by one of his alt-right 'fans'. Not really submittable in that context.

fedex - 2018-03-04

it's his modesty and humility that really get me

yogarfield - 2018-03-04

It's the burping and the backwards hat for me.

simon666 - 2018-03-04

N word.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2018-03-04

CIA nigger detected.

exy - 2018-03-04

I had no idea Bjarne Stroustrup was a man of the ebony persuasion.

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