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Desc:Du'a Khalil Aswad was a 17 year old Iraqi Yazidi girl who was stoned to death in an honor killing
Category:Horror, News & Politics
Tags:Dua Khalil Aswad
Submitted:Albuquerque Halsey
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Comment count is 16
DrCrypt - 2007-05-19

How are you supposed to rate stuff like this? Fuck Islam.

Adramelech - 2007-05-19

Hay guys, radical religious beliefs are dangerous.

enjoy - 2007-05-19

Everyone should see this... know the face of your enemy.

halon - 2007-05-19

You're supposed to rate things like this by the gravity and significance of the video.

Dinanukht - 2007-05-19

Yazidis are different than Muslims! Fighting ignorance with ignorance helps no one.

Whitewater5 - 2007-05-19

+2 stars for the irony of enjoy's statement

zatojones - 2007-05-19

Yeah these people are ready for democracy

ztc - 2007-05-19

+3 stars 'cause Qubad Talabani is played by Mark Heap

voodoo_pork - 2007-05-19

It really doesn't matter what religion they are. They're still fucking assholes.

Crucifried - 2007-05-19

I'm ashamed that I want to stone the sons of bitches who did this.

Hooper_X - 2007-05-19

seriously? Motherfuck fundamentalism in all its forms. In the ass.

Lindner - 2007-05-20

"They'll feel more comfortable talking to a lady officer." After they spring back from the dead?

Senator_Unger - 2007-05-20

Oooh, fired! That'll teach em! Don't they give them guns? Even the rent-a-cops here get tazers.

Slagathor - 2007-05-26

The Yezedi are not Muslims you blockheads. Their religion is actually viewed as devil worship by Muslims.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2007-08-19

Religion - another load of bollocks that kills people half the time.

I'm reminded of that study that (I think) Helium Rat posted that proved cops are assholes. Cops aren't assholes, clerics aren't assholes; people that act like assholes and hide behind authority.

It wasn't me, it was the instruction of Allah through the Koran.

It's not my fault - violence is the only thing some criminals understand.

Now all please fuck off and leave me to get drunk.

rev.dinosaur - 2009-01-27

You're allowed to kick during stonings?

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