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Desc:Jim edited out his own Islamophobic comments to paint this guy as hating Muslims. Hypocrisy!
Category:Religious, Horror
Tags:islam, Jim Jefferies, Islamophobia, Avi Yemini, New Zealand massacre
Submitted:Marlon Brawndo
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Comment count is 38
SolRo - 2019-03-27

Totally going to trust this virulently racist Zionist propagandist/internet troll.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-27

Even when there's video evidence right in front of you.

You're not the sharpest peanut in the turd, are you?

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-03-27

"Zionist" is a dog whistle used by anti-Semites.

So is "troll".

SolRo - 2019-03-27

racist right-wing shitheel unequivocally trusts racist right-wing agit-propagandist, how surprising.

the little cunt that got ACORN shut down also had "video evidence"

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-27

And even if you don't agree with Avi on everything, it doesn't excuse Jim Jefferies to be a loathsome hypocrite. So do you think it's okay for him to edit around interviews to make it seem like other people are hateful IN BETWEEN THE TIMES HE IS BEING HATEFUL.

Jim clearly doesn't believe a fucking thing he's saying. He just wants ratings and it's obviously pandering and virtue signalling to an extreme degree. Avi had every right to fight back when the interview painted him as an extremist and changed around the responses to the questions he was asked. Oh and the media has not picked up on this story...what a shock. Maybe they are okay with people lying as long as they are publicly saying what they want when they aren't being secretly filmed...if they play by the rules. Hypocrisy fucking infuriates me. Jim should be fired. Fuck that guy.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-27

Oh and SolRo, no offense, but your argument isn't logical. Just because you don't like Avi doesn't mean that he doesn't have a point. Although I'm not sure why you have a problem with him, seeing as he has been the victim of hate crimes from Muslims and he has a problem with the genocide of Jews.

Yeah. That's the guy you need to worry about.

SolRo - 2019-03-28

'WATCH Antifa Prove How Stupid They Are'

'Because I still stand with Senator Fraser Anning'

'The VIOLENT African [read; black] Crimewave Spreads To Brisbane'

'My plan to FIGHT the AFRICAN [read; black] crimewave'

'Trolling CLIMATE CHANGE Protesters'

'Another violent AFRICAN [read; black] crime the MSM is ignoring'

'Confronting JIHADIS [read; any muslim] at ISLAMIC terror site'

'Will BANNING alcohol really end the AFRICAN [read; black] crimewave?'

this guy is a piece of shit and you're a piece of shit

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

Well Antifa is stupid. And I hate to tell you this buttercup, but African gang violence is soaring in Australia.

https://www.news.com.au/news/national/pollies-jump-on-victoria -crime-stats-as-fighting-over-gang-problems-heats-up/news-story/fb ec39e6a768ea6f7b061d3c560fee76

SolRo - 2019-03-28

this guy is a piece of shit and you're a piece of shit

Hazelnut - 2019-03-28

SolRo wins this argument, because he used actual pertinent evidence. MB's just blathering.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-28

SolRo and Brawndo are both inveterate blowhards. I think SolRo wins this time, because Brawndo used the term virtue "signaling", and that's an automatic forfeit.

spikestoyiu - 2019-03-29

Yeah with "virtue signaling" I'm one "cognitive dissonance" away from bingo

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-03-27

Even for a late-night comedian, Jim Jeffries is loathsome.

Ugh - 2019-03-28

i see two pieces of shit but the toilet wont flush

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

Get a Poop Knife!!!

casualcollapse - 2019-03-28

What the fuck is a poop knife?

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

See the hopper for further details re: poop knife

SolRo - 2019-03-28

You know your peers are idiots when 40% of them are racist morons and 60% of them believe a racist moron.

Meanwhile the same morons either 1 star or ignore the legitimate journalism of investigating how the NRA treats mass murder and rampant gun murders as an advertising opportunity.

Any thought you idiots had about moral superiority or intellectual superiority is false. You are no different than the idiots that go full retard because a pretty person says vaccines are poison and/or the earth is flat.

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-03-28

SolRo, people like you are the reason why Trump won.

15th - 2019-03-28

How much video evidence would it take for you to believe that a minority was manipulated and used by a white Male?

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

SolRo only believes what he wants to believe. The left is perfect and does no wrong and that's why they lost. Makes sense to me.

The world isn't as simple as you think it is, SolRo. Your black and white morality doesn't cut it with real logic but the court of public opinion is oversimplifying things increasingly to the point where leftists that have legitimate problems with the Trump era are being shoved to the right by the complete lunacy of the fringe left becoming increasingly normalized. Just as the right has a spectrum, so does the left. There are those that just want reasonable solutions on both sides but they are being shouted over by people who are screaming about how angry and hurt they are. It doesn't help anything and it doesn't change reality. You aren't helping. you aren't changing people's minds and you aren't making the world a better place by demonizing anyone that disagrees with you even peripherally on any given subject.

In this case, you demonize Avi because he's pro NRA but not everyone who supports the NRA is evil. It's not that simple. Most of those people just believe that they have the right and desire the right to protect themselves. It's not like they want school shootings. Avi has a really, really good point about checking people on their hypocrisy. Jim created an elaborate edit that doesn't reflect reality and that isn't helping either. Shit like this makes people distrust the media because it is tricking them into believing things that aren't true about people. It's manipulation and it's taking advantage of the money and power that networks have, even Comedy Central. Which has become kind of perpetual propaganda machine at this point, along with every news network. If they don't want the people demonizing the media (and they shouldn't because that again falls into the trap of black and white morality) they shouldn't pull shit like this, which screams fakery and shenanigans.

Jim Jefferies has always been Islamophobic and he has the nerve to scapegoat Avi while he is shittalking Muslims? Fuck that guy. And fuck you for not getting why that's important.

And I can't believe you downvoted the poop knife story. The poop knife story is amazing. Way to be petty, man.

Hazelnut - 2019-03-28

SolRo wins this argument, because he used actual pertinent evidence. MB's just blathering.

15th - 2019-03-28

100% of people are racist or sympathetic to racists. Pertinent.

You're never gonna argue the koolaid out of someone on the internet. Probably best just to infer they are somehow bigoted or a cuck - depending on the ideologue.

That said, I'm not going to perform the labor to unpack the anti semitism in this thread.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

Hazelnut, I actually provided a link to an article about the African gang violence taking place in Australia.

As for Muslims themselves, it's a good thing there is no evidence that Muslims are ever anti-Semitic, or we'd be in real trouble here!

Hazelnut - 2019-03-28

And here we see MB out himself as a full on racist shitbag, to nobody's surprise.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

Who am I being racist against again??

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-28

Am I being racist against Muslims when I say anti Semitism is a problem in their community? No.

Am I being racist when I share a video with a two bit asshole comedian who jokes about killing Muslim babies and feeding them to dingos? No.

Not everyfuckingthing is racist.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-29

>>>SolRo, people like you are the reason why Trump won.

I know he's annoying, but if the idiots who voted for Trump were motivated by anger at people like SolRo, that mostly makes them bigger idiots. Some people literally seem to have forgotten that the point of politics isn't to troll other people, even if they're annoying.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-29

Brawndo, I'm not saying you're racist, but you are incredibly terrible at convincing people that you're not racist.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-28

>>>So do you think it's okay for him to edit around interviews to make it seem like other people are hateful IN BETWEEN THE TIMES HE IS BEING HATEFUL.

People say that all the time about Jim Jeffries, but I don't see it. I thought that Jordon Peterson came off as an okay guy on the Jeffries show. When the Diversity in Comics guy was being interviewed, Jeffries asked him about calling someone "a cum dumpster", and the DIC guy said That was a mistake". His fans were all livid about that, but I am not a fan, and, as I've said before, I respect people who don't double down on stupid statements. Perterson also admitted that he may have been wrong about something. I find that disarming. It makes people seem reasonable.

And let's just get this out there: editing exists. Everybody is supposed to know that. An interview will be edited to make whatever points the editor wants to make.Sometimes, the point will be "this is a bad idea". Rarely is the point "this is a bad person." When itis, that's usually bad. Let's just get this out there: Bad editing exists.

My father used to write for a local newspaper, and the guy with the desk next to his had a sign on the wall: "Every Editor should have a pimp for a brother, so he has someone to look up to." Editing is where we get standards. It's usually a force for good. Without it, all news would be CSPAN. Every article would be "Finnegans Wake". But it's quite possible that no one has ever made an editorial decision that hasn't pissed anyone off. The argument that there's a double standard is always easy to make. People love to talk about how YouTube took this down and why not this, but no one is going to find a clear objective standard expressed by hundreds of people over billions of videos.

And Jim Jeffries shouldn't say terrible things, but if he does, he should keep them out of his show. A public statement is much more consequential than a private statement, and when you say something during an interview that's public.

Is it unfair? It's fairer than it used to be. Just a few years ago, a tiny minority got to publish and make editorial decisions. And we usually have a lot more sources of information now to take in multiple points of view. Jim Jeffries shouldn't be considered the final authority on ANYTHING. . And after all, Jordon Petersom gets to edit his own books. The Diversity in Comics Guy gets to edit his own youtube channel.

poorwill - 2019-03-29

eat my cum MB

Mister Yuck - 2019-03-29

I just see two shitbags using selective edits and a whole lot of framing narration to make the other look like a shitbag. Withholding a rating because I resent people trying to me take sides on bullshit all day long.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-29

****"Selective edits"

Question : What other kind of editing is there?

Editing IS selection. Now, I've seen people on the internet make this same claim about Jim Jeffries, that he's demonizing people, when all he's doing is telling a story that's true, but it's not the whole.truth. It's a six minute segment. If you believe that a six minute segment tells you everything, you're not being deceived; you're dumb.

15th - 2019-03-30

"I resent people...I just see shitbags."

-Mr. Yuck, possibly referring to children with bone cancer??

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-29

****In this case, you demonize Avi because he's pro NRA but not everyone who supports the NRA is evil. It's not that simple.

It is and it isn't. 100 per cent of people who support the NRA support evil. Zero per cent of people who support the NRA are actually demons.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-30

Avi isn't a piece of shit, but the NRA is a piece of shit. Even if AvI only wants to defend himself, the NRA wants to defend gun manufacturers. I have a history of depression, and if I tried to buy a gun and ended up flagged in a background check, that would be for MY protection. The NRA doesn't care about that, and they're not even willing to acknowledge that concern. Avi shouldn't be demonized for supporting the NRA, but he should be embarrassed.

And should Jim Jeffries be embarrassed for saying something offensive about Muslims? Sure. But it doesn't invalidate everything he's ever done.

SolRo - 2019-03-31

No. Avi is definitely a racist piece of shit.

Don't let an idiots' tying my hatred of his racist ass to his love of guns distract you.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-03-31

The NRA is unambiguously evil. Racism is unambiguously evil, though people come up with ways to obscure it. But PEOPLE are more complex. It is my strongly held principle that people are not pieces of shit. Not Avi, Jim, SolRo or Brawndo.

I say that, although just this evening I called someone a piece of shit after they posted a staggeringly cold-blooded and amoral rationalization about climate change in the YouTube comments. Does that make me a hypocrite? I suppose that's a judgement call, but does that contradiction really define me? I think it's more accurate to define me as someone who believes in the humanity of everyone, and is driven to intense rage by people who actively disregard the suffering of others. You say tomato.

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