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Comment count is 12
simon666 - 2019-04-29


I also love how incoherent the first two thoughts are: 1) the idea of gentleman is men rallying around their own interests; 2) but what we need to know is how to live now.

Because knowing your own interests never tells you anything about your interests now.

Five for yuck.

Mister Yuck - 2019-04-29

What do I have to do with this?

SolRo - 2019-04-29

Being a gentleman is just doing whatever the hell you want while acting like a stuck-up douche!

And being a Knight is just dressing up in a spandex bat costume!

simon666 - 2019-04-30

Mr. Yuck you inspire in ways this video could only wish.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-04-29

He doesnt even have a fedora!

Xenocide - 2019-04-29

Dude, if you like bourbon that much, just go have some. No reason to pull a "philosophy" out of your ass to justify it.

Mister Yuck - 2019-04-29

It's really annoying that dicks like this started liking bourbon. Now all my favorite corn squeezings cost twice as much. At least there's still Jim Beam and Wild Turkey.

SolRo - 2019-04-29

Don't be fooled. Most of these twats cant enjoy anything harder or less sugary than a jack and coke, that's why the must "savor" two fingers on the rocks for half an hour until the ice melts completely to dilute it enough.

TeenerTot - 2019-04-30

Ah, yes. Cigars and bourbon. The trappings of a gent.

15th - 2019-04-30

I love videos that make me ashamed of my interests. It's a great genre.

Mister Yuck - 2019-04-30

Amen 15th.

Old_Zircon - 2019-05-01

Regardless of whether you're talking about wines or vehicle identification numbers, the "PENS • LENS • VINS" rhyme doesn't work without severely mispronouncing "vin."

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